Saturday, 26 March 2011

An epic fail!

Well, keeping the blog updated seemed to have failed a bit. It's one of those things which just sort of slipped by me. I'd like to say that the daily grind got in the way, but that shouldn't be used as an excuse! I need to re-prioritise my life again.

Me and some friends where in Avebury as I was filming a wonderful "Gong Healing" workshop. The bed and breakfast we stayed in was looking out over Silbury Hill and in the morning we thought it would be a good idea to take a walk to it before check out. So i loaded up lightly, just taking my camera and the 17-50 f2.8 lens.

A word to the wise, don't forget your battery! They do come in handy when out and about with your camera, they don't work very well left in the charger sat in my backpack! Do'h! Thank god for the iPhone.

My three regular blog followers ;-) will know that this blog in mostly about me and my D7000, however in a diversion from normal programming, today i'm going to look at some iPhone4 photo's all shot and edited on the iPhone using various apps. As i heard said once before, the best camera for taking photo's is the one you have on you!

Enjoy the wonders of Avebury. I will be going again sometime soon without having any work to distract me, just to enjoy the place properly.

Laters ya'll.